RMO presents

"Documentary Cinema and the Development of Civil Society"

That general education online project aims to educate a broad international audience through the study of documentary cinema as a tool for social change and political analysis.

  • Participants in the project will explore how documentary films highlight pressing social and political issues, stimulating public awareness and activism.

  •  Special attention is given to the theme of documentary cinema and political regimes, where the influence of documentary films on the perception of political systems is analyzed, including their role in exposing authoritarian regimes and supporting democratic movements.

  • Participants will learn how filmmakers use documentary cinema to expose corruption, human rights violations, and other abuses of power, contributing to the development of civil society and the strengthening of democratic institutions.

  • The project will include lectures, seminars, and practical sessions where participants can study various aspects of documentary cinema: from the historical context of its development to practical skills in creating and analyzing films.

  • A special emphasis is placed on practical work, where participants will create their own short documentary films on current social and political topics.

 The project also includes discussions with directors, critics, and activists who will share their experiences of using documentary cinema as a tool to change public opinion and mobilize citizens. These meetings will help participants better understand how documentary films can influence different audiences and contribute to social change.



Hungary, 2330 Dunaharaszti // tel. + (36) 705937914